E n t e r  m y  c e l e s t i a l  v o i d  o f  l i n k s . . .

a moomin plush floating thru space

Cool stuff:
Cameron's world: Cool art piece reflective of the aesthetics of geocities :)
Crouton.net: Crouton.
Anonymous Animal: Interesting experience reflecting on "being in the moment" and what it means to be online
will it be ok?: In case anyone is asking
Randomgeo: A randomizer for geocities on archive.org, down the rabbit hole I go!

Other cool sites that I steal code from like:

melon king A.N. LUCAS cinni 99gif shop moonview uncanny valley 2bit neoratz neonaut arandomsite ohmi? aubrey? spirit cellar secret cottage silly beanies artwork mouse ink caps manul chao cabbage cinni crt screen shiny exe not prince hamlet caitsith saskaw 410 pet diary apprehension matcha saskaw drago di luna aster's asterisms goat cvlt hellmouth rhza mordecai boatemhq mycornernds myrrh centerumcenseo fairygore alien head shit kid

shoutout to Tom Tom Club's website and Hekate's site. They're the ones that inspired me to make my own site in the first place.

Web making tools/sites
Neonaut's Image Compression page: Contains handy tips on image compression as well as other articles on website bloat.
HTML Character Codes: I reference this mainly for quotation marks.
Learn CSS Layout: Finally, we found out how to center div horizontally and vertically.
Hekate's Layout Builder: Basically a tool that lets you imagine your website and copy the code later, haven't tried it but seems useful.
mmm.page: Similar to above, essentially canva but for webmaking. Haven't tried this either but looks cool!
Jquery draggable UI: Psst, here's the secret to my draggable images, pass it on...
For background images, I typically look at Betty's graphics and Hekate's archive.
For image compression, I use a combination of ImageOptim, Squoosh, and Ezgif.

btw, link me? ;)
my button