E n t e r m y c e l e s t i a l v o i d o f l i n k s . . .
Cool stuff:
Cameron's world: Cool art piece reflective of the aesthetics of geocities :)
Crouton.net: Crouton.
Anonymous Animal: Interesting experience reflecting on "being in the moment" and what it means to be online
will it be ok?: In case anyone is asking
Randomgeo: A randomizer for geocities on archive.org, down the rabbit hole I go!
Other cool sites that I steal code from like:
Web making tools/sites
Neonaut's Image Compression page: Contains handy tips on image compression as well as other articles on website bloat.
HTML Character Codes: I reference this mainly for quotation marks.
Learn CSS Layout: Finally, we found out how to center div horizontally and vertically.
Hekate's Layout Builder: Basically a tool that lets you imagine your website and copy the code later, haven't tried it but seems useful.
mmm.page: Similar to above, essentially canva but for webmaking. Haven't tried this either but looks cool!
Jquery draggable UI: Psst, here's the secret to my draggable images, pass it on...
For background images, I typically look at Betty's graphics and Hekate's archive.
For image compression, I use a combination of ImageOptim, Squoosh, and Ezgif.
btw, link me? ;)