Ok, this is more of a visual artists/references page for whatever inspires me.
This list will probably expand as time passes, again this is more of an archive for me to reference whenever I want.
Without further ado, enjoy!
Weng Pixin:
Absolutely charming paintings, the kind that fits children picture books. If you want to read sth that tackle subjects like strained relationships and generational trauma, then consider checking out their books, Sweet Time and We Dont Talk Anymore. (albeit, theyre quite narratively abstract, but a simple and sweet visual treat!)
Artist website
Including this other comic they drew on Asian American Violence
Marina/Yumu Arts:
I cant help but be enamoured by her art, whether it is her amorphous blob-like creatures or her stunningly detailed line work. I am lucky enough to own one of their felt figures and their first sketch collection!
Their Instagram
Their linktree
Bjenny Montero:
All his works emulate an indescribable comfiness, even his simple ink drawings are soothing to the soul. I think his works all capture that feeling of 'everything will be ok in the end'
His Instagram
His linktree
Ala Flora:
My favourite kind of creepy-cute. I would describe their paintings as sometimes bold, sometimes mellow, and always whimsical. Their drawings hit that sweet spot of nonsensical, where its jam-packed with details and colours, shapes and sizes, yet not being an incomprehensible mess. The colours in their work come together so subtly, their works feel like they wld sound like a harmonious duet.
Artist website
Anatola Howard:
So fluid, the rendering too, and so expressive,,,, I cant take it! Ive never understood what makes art 'yummy', but I think this might be it. Besides their unforgettable art style, her comics always pack a punch, whether emotional or funny. I cannot really overstate how much their comics live in my head!
Artist website
Marlo Mogensen:
Super organic and fluid illustrations, with no empty space left undrawn! His works are a sweetly coloured trip. Not only that, his zines/comics deal with such specific experiences, Marlo isnt afraid to explore the most nuanced and awkward sides of us! Honestly every comic of theirs hit a different soft spot in me.
Artist website (bright colours, but still readable)
His acc on medium
His itchio
Xxxtra link! A twitter thread he made consisting of some resources from the Australian Queer Archives that I find very cool!
Kendall Ross/Id Knit That:
Colourful and gaudy to the point of feeling like a kid designed it, with the thoughts of depressed and panic-stricken adults plastered all over it. Looks like if my brain was turned into a sweater and Im obsessed!
Jonni Peppers:
Incredibly strange and fun animation style, I honestly cant wrap my head around how she visualises her work, it is absolutely mesmerising watching the way her characters walk and jolt at the slightest movement. Even with this ridiculously bubbly style, she still knowns how to pull off the solemn and hard hitting moments in her films. Truly what I would call a beautiful mess :D
Artist website
Digital Transgender Archive:
An online archive/collection of material related to transgender history. Lots of neat stuff to find here! From news articles, to photographs, to brochures! Do take note of the time period that these materials were released in, e.g. the use of outdated terms. Nonetheless it is interesting to see how ppl back then navigated and celebrated their gender identity :)
Online archive
Johnny Tostado/Tostyart:
Probably the person who inspires my drawings the most, theyre not afraid to go crazy with their perspectives and proportions, but also show incredible skill in rendering, its honestly mesmerising! Their art has rlly pushed me to be more crazy with how I draw my subjects and be more experimental.
Their Twitter
Their Deviantart
Honourable mentions:
Lyn Fletcher,
Little Tunny,
Raven Lyn Clemens,
Kelly Ficarra,
Victoria Vincent,
Destiny Franks,
Aiden Wells
Don't let them stray too far!