Art, photos, shrines... anything I ever make will probably be located here. It may be a bit sparce now, but I hope to fill it in times to come.
Btw, about the crochet patterns; I don't have anything right now but I got sum ideas brewing... check back in a month of 2 and maybe I'll have something for you..

a smartly dressed felt toy resembling a bunny a sonny angel figurine with an orange flower for a hat a figurine of xiaohei, a boy with black hair and cat ears, fishing on a log
a flip phone that looks like a red car
Flip pics
an icon depicting 2 blurry cats
Sketchbook archive
a candle that is lit once you mouse over it
The end of 2024
an two headed cat from the game 24 killers
Games spotlight
a book with a poem about flowers
Letter Writing